
Coffee makers for thermos jugs : Animo MT-line MT200W

With only the touch of a finger,the MT-line coffee brewer is activated. In the stainless steel boiler, water is quickly heated up to the exact right temperature. Once it starts to pour and is sent through the ground coffee, themagic happens. The smell of fresh filter coffee is released.

Spec sheet:









Animo MT-line MT200W

Technical Specification

+ Hour capacity coffee : 14 ltr., 112 cups
+ Hour capacity hot water : 16 ltr., 128 cups
+ Suitable for thermos container 2.4 ltr.
+ Electrical connection : 1N~220-240V /50-60Cy/3200W
+ Water connection : yes (3/4”)
+ Dimensions: HxDxW in mm : 650x420x380
+ Brewing time : approx. 10 min. per jug
+ Heating time water boiler : approx. 11 min.